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WALP is coming soon....

To a lamp post near you....

Not affliated with Lamposts on the air, RSGB, WAB or ARRL

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The Worked All Lamp Posts programme (WALP) was established to encourage Radio Amateurs to work as many lamp posts in the UK as possible.

There are approximately 8 million Lamp Posts in the UK and special awards go to the saddo's who actually go around and collect the asset number. These guys are Asset Register Serial Enquirers - AKA ARSE's and will of course compete for the complete ARSE award.  This award is particularly suitable for 'contest stations' who go into mid-week withdrawal because they are unable to collect numbers during this period.

Is it possible to achieve the Ultimate ARSE Award, you may ask. Yes the Ultimate ARSE Award is known as the Vehicular Electronic Recognition Now or Never Aka Vernon (Let's hope that this is subtle enough for some people who have taken offence but if you have taken any offence then you know where the off button is) and is achieved for collecting as much QRM and telling the biggest outpouring of drivel and crap known to Amateur Radio. It can also be collected by telling stories about magic antennas and running 100 times licenced power.

Bonus points are available for erections of Architectural merit, for example Post Boxes and old Telephone Boxes. We are also looking into the possibility of adding a Worked all Cat Flaps category.


Entry to the WALP programme is free to join except QRP stations, stations with Magic Tri-zookas.
Entry can be made on any frequency between 3.700 and 3.800 LSB after 20:30 UTC - when Italians piss off and leave us some room to talk.

With A (Long) Pause.........of course.!! 

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